Why can't I upload videos?
Brojunkie was not built to be a free for all tube website, where anyone and everyone can upload content.
Only a small number of verified users can submit content to the website for a number of reasons:
First and foremost, moderation and protection of children. There is zero tolerance for underage media on our website. While we have implemented tools to identify such media, the easiest way to prevent it is to limit upload access to the public.
Quality content: brojunkie we designed to be a place where quality content is showcases and to prevent it being oversatured with shit, low res, bullshit content, only verified users may upload to brojunkie.
Only a small number of verified users can submit content to the website for a number of reasons:
First and foremost, moderation and protection of children. There is zero tolerance for underage media on our website. While we have implemented tools to identify such media, the easiest way to prevent it is to limit upload access to the public.
Quality content: brojunkie we designed to be a place where quality content is showcases and to prevent it being oversatured with shit, low res, bullshit content, only verified users may upload to brojunkie.